Purchasing Of But Not Limited To:
Software Licensing
Managed Services
Telephone VOIP & PBX
We believe our customers deserve the best products that will serve 100% of their needs. Oftentimes businesses may not understand exactly what is needed. From computers, servers, backup systems, security and more. we will have a direct consult with you and find out exactly what you need to ensure your business can run well without the headache of cut-rate equipment.

Receiving a unique and professional feel from start to finish is what we do. PCS can work with you to explore your options. We can help reduce the total cost to your business through implementing hardware and software standardization, best practices, and asset management. We are an authorized/certified partner for most major technology brands, such as Dell, HP, Lenovo, Cisco, Fortinet, Netgear, Avaya, etc. Because we have these relationships, we can purchase high-end equipment for our customers at below-retail prices.

Want to know how this can affect your bottom line? Before you purchase equipment, give us a call and see how we can help you.
Procurement Of But Not Limited To:
Software Licensing
Managed Services
Telephone VOIP & PBX
We believe our customers deserve the best products that will serve 100% of their needs. Oftentimes businesses may not understand exactly what is needed. From computers, servers, backup systems, security and more. we will have a direct consult with you and find out exactly what you need to ensure your business can run well without the headache of cut-rate equipment.

Receiving a unique and professional feel from start to finish is what we do. PCS can work with you to explore your options. We can help reduce the total cost to your business through implementing hardware and software standardization, best practices, and asset management. We are an authorized/certified partner for most major technology brands, such as Dell, HP, Lenovo, Cisco, Fortinet, Netgear, Avaya, etc. Because we have these relationships, we can purchase high-end equipment for our customers at below-retail prices.

Want to know how this can affect your bottom line? Before you purchase equipment, give us a call and see how we can help you.

PCS Procurement Partners

Parrish Consulting Services, Inc.
100 N. Gibson St.
Princeton, Indiana 47670


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Room Rental



Support 24/7


M-F: 8am - 5pm

Closed: Sat. - Sun.

Site designed and powered by Parrish Consulting Services. 2023 Parrish Consulting Services – All Rights Reserved
Parrish Consulting Services, Inc.
100 N. Gibson St.
Princeton, Indiana 47670

Contact Us

Room Rental



Support 24/7


M-F: 8am - 5pm

Closed: Sat. - Sun.

Site designed and powered by Parrish Consulting Services. 2023 Parrish Consulting Services – All Rights Reserved